Friday, 9 March 2012

Cannabis cafe owners go to court in last-ditch bid to stop pass system

Lawyers representing a number of cannabis cafe owners and workers in Maastricht are going to court in an effort to halt government plans to turn them into members' only clubs.

Maastricht lawyer Andre Beckers told the Telegraaf they consider the plan breaks the law because non-Dutch residents will be banned from entering the cafes and this is discrimination.In addition, the introduction of membership cards infringes upon people's privacy, the lawyers say.It is not clear when the case will be heard.

The government plans to close cannabis cafes in southern parts of the country to non-residents on May 1st. The rest of the Netherlands will follow next year.

Justice minister Ivo Opstelten says he is not concerned about the threat of legal action because the legislation has already been looked at by the European Court of Justice.

The aim of the new law is to stop drugs tourism, but opponents say it will lead to an increase in street dealing.

Spanish Town Wants To Grow Cannabis To Pay Off Debt

RASQUERA, Spain - A small town in northeastern Spain, believes it has found a novel way to pay of its debt: cultivating cannabis.

Tucked in the hills of one of Spain’s most picturesque regions, the Catalonian village of Rasquera has agreed to rent out land to grow marijuana, an enterprise the local authorities say will allow them to pay off their 1.3 million euro debt in two years.

Local authorities are keeping the location of the site top secret while Spain’s attorney general investigates the legality of the project. The Catalan regional government has also asked the village for further information about the plan.

Spanish towns are swamped in debt after a decade-long consruction boom that imploded in 2008. Almost one in four Spanish workers is jobless and many cities are months behind in salaries for street cleaners and other municipal employees.

Spain’s central government is now forcing local authorities to tighten their belts even further as a euro zone debt crisis drags on, forcing greater fiscal austerity onto most countries using the single European currency.

The mayor of Rasquera, with 900 inhabitants, said the project will not only benefit locals, but also eliminate organised crime and the tax evasion associated with the cannabis industry thanks to government supervision.

“We want to put an end to mafias, we want to finish with the black market, we want to put an end to the underground economy,” said Bernat Pellisa, Rasquera’s mayor of nine years said.“The only thing this humble mayor wants and has tried to do is to supervise all this in order to benefit society and the neighbours of our village,” he added.

The Barcelona Personal Use Cannabis Association (ABCDA) will pay Rasquera 54,170 euros a month from July 2012 for a 15 hectare plot of land and local authorities hope the farm will generate 40 jobs in the village.


The proposal has sparked debate on the legality of cannabis. Spanish law allows the cultivation of cannabis as long as it is for “personal and shared use.” Trafficking, however, is punished with up to six years in jail.
The mayor said residents of Rasquera have welcomed the initiative, as long as it abides by the law, and that he is responding to the wishes of the people.

“It’s a potential solution for the government to pay our debt. They are working to check out if it’s legal and if they can regularize it. And if it is possible, then perfect,” Rasquera resident Josep Francesc, 22, said.
For a 67-year-old woman who didn’t want to give her name, the project would only be acceptable if the cannabis was used for medical purposes.

“They say it is going to be used by laboratories, to produce medicine. If that is the goal, then welcome. There is almost no medicine that doesn’t use drugs. But if it is used in a different way, then I don’t agree,” she said.
As cannabis must be planted in March, 36,000 euros ($47,200)has already been paid and cultivation could begin shortly.

Marta Suarez, spokeswoman of ABCDA, said the plantation in Rasquera was not a business-orientated project.
“The goal is not to maximize our profits or produce as much as possible, but to produce with quality in a controlled environment to supply a responsible, appropriate and informed manner,” she says.
ABCDA has 5,000 members and is based in Barcelona, the capital of the Catalonia region.
If the cannabis cultivation project goes through, the villagers of Rasquera will have an alternative to traditional jobs in olive groves, vineyards and citrus plantations, and the village debt could finally “go up in smoke.”

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Study: Intelligence, cognition unaffected by heavy cannabis use

The new study of cognitive changes caused by heavy marijuana use has found no lasting effects 28 days after quitting. Following a month of abstinence, men and women who smoked pot at least 5,000 times in their lives performed just as well on psychological tests as people who used pot sparingly or not at all, according to a report in the latest edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry.

That's the good news. The bad news, not included in the study, is that most heavy users admit that pot has had a negative effect on their physical and mental health as well their functioning on the job and socially.
"If there's one thing I've learned from studying marijuana for more than a decade, it's that proponents and opponents of the drug will put opposite spins on these findings," says Harrison Pope, a Harvard professor of psychiatry and leader of the research. "One day I'll get a letter that will say, 'we are shocked that you are so irresponsible as to publish a report that claims marijuana is almost harmless. That's a terrible disservice to our children.' The next day, I'll get a letter complaining that I'm 'irresponsible for implying there's something wrong with smoking marijuana. You have set back the legalization (of marijuana) movement by 20 years.'
"As a scientist, I'm struck by how passionately people hold opinions in both directions no matter what the evidence says. The other striking thing is how little we actually know about the effects of a drug that has been smoked for thousands of years and been studied for decades."

Withdrawal produces impairment

That shortage of knowledge motivated Pope and his colleagues at McLean Hospital, a Harvard-affiliated psychiatric facility in Belmont, to investigate the drug's long-term cognitive effects. They recruited 180 people, 63 of them heavy users who currently smoked pot daily, 45 former heavy users, and 72 who had used the drug no more than 50 times in their lives. Heavy use was defined as smoking pot at least 5,000 times. The subjects ranged in age from 30 to 55 years. Most of them were males because studies indicate that women are less likely to become heavy marijuana users.
All took batteries of intelligence, attention, learning and memory tests on days 0, 1, 7, and 28 after quitting the drug. (Daily urine samples confirmed whether or not they had stopped.) On days 0, 1 and 7, current heavy smokers scored significantly lower then the other groups on memory tests.
"By day 28, however, there were no significant differences among the groups on any of 10 different tests, and no significant association between cumulative lifetime marijuana use and test scores," Pope says. In other words, the researchers conclude that heavy marijuana use produces no irreversible mental deficits.
The investigators cannot say for sure why pot smokers remain impaired for days or weeks after giving up the drug. One possibility is that that they retain substantial amounts of a compound known as THC, the active ingredient of marijuana, in their systems. THC dissolves in body fat, then slowly percolates into the blood and brain over days and weeks after a joint is smoked.
Another explanation blames a withdrawal effect, similar but not as pronounced as the agitation, irritability, sleeping problems and appetite loss suffered by users of heroin or alcohol. Such symptoms impair attention and memory.
"Some of the deficits we saw were as bad, or even worse on day seven as on day one," Pope notes. "This suggests that withdrawal, rather than a residue of drug in the brain, accounts for the bulk of lingering impairments." A residue effect should decrease from day one to seven after quitting, but withdrawal problems would increase before they decrease.
Pot smokers who believe they are back to normal sometimes show detectable impairments on various tests. "That's a cause for concern," Pope points out. "You don't want to try landing a 747, driving a bus or train, or taking a calculus test a week after heavy marijuana use even if you feel normal."

Unsatisfied lives

Although researchers found no irreversible cognitive defects from a lifetime of marijuana consumption, pot users are not a happy lot. In a separate study, most heavy users admitted that the drug has a negative impact on all aspects of their lives from job performance and physical health to mental well being and satisfactory socializing.
Heavy smokers also have substantially smaller incomes and lower levels of education than nonusers or light users, despite the fact that the education and income levels of their families are the same. However, there's no way to determine if marijuana is the cause or if these people naturally have less ambition.
"It's a chicken and egg situation," Pope admits. "Probably the direction of causality goes both ways. In all likelihood, people who become frequent users are somewhat different at the outset; they may have lower cognitive abilities or less motivation. Once they start using the drug regularly, these differences become wider."
Asked if his conclusions would lead him to make any recommendations for or against legalizing marijuana, Pope answered "no, because so many other political and social factors are involved." He noted that alcohol, which is sold legally, causes cognitive deficits in long-term heavy users that do not disappear after 28 days and may be cumulative. However, he adds, "such toxicity is only one factor in the decision."
A number of investigations have linked marijuana to an increased risk of lung cancer. A recent Harvard study concluded that a middle-age person's chance of having a heart attack increases nearly five times during the first hour after smoking pot. That's especially meaningful for baby boomers who developed the habit in their teens and 20s and continue to use the drug in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. Other researchers have associated pot with impaired disease resistance and adverse effects on fetuses when mothers smoke the drug during pregnancy.
On the other hand, many claims exist that marijuana eases the nausea produced by cancer drugs and relives the pain of diseases such as AIDS, severe arthritis, and glaucoma. Such claims led Canada recently to legalize its medical use.
Pope raises a caveat: "Is it better than other treatments for the same conditions? Given the association with lung cancer and other ills, does it provide more benefit than risk?"
Pro-pot people argue that, even if it's only equal in efficacy to prescription and over-the-counter drugs, it's much cheaper. "After all, it's only a weed," Pope points out.
All of these factors emphasize Pope's point that not much is really known about marijuana despite its long history of use and decades of study.

By William J. Cromie 

Gazette Staff